The mission of the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) is to support the University’s commitment to a working and learning environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination. OCRSM was founded in March 2014 following an independent assessment of the University's response to sexual misconduct, and recommendations were made to then-President Loh by the Joint President/Senate Sexual Harassment Task Force in August 2013.
Oversee and implement the University’s compliance with Title IX as well as other federal and state civil rights laws and regulations by working with multiple stakeholders to implement policies and procedures to address sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct;
Resolve reports of sexual misconduct and discrimination which includes an initial assessment of the reported conduct, advice and referral, interim and supportive measures, options for resolution, including informally and, when appropriate, investigation and adjudication;
Monitor and track sexual misconduct and discrimination reports and outcomes, identify and address any patterns, assess the effects on the campus climate;
Administer, collect and analyze, in partnership with the School of Public Health, information from the Student Environment & Experiences Survey (SEES);
Develop and conduct compliance, policy and prevention training for faculty, staff and students which includes mandatory sexual misconduct training for all new students, faculty and staff;
Develop resource materials for the University consisting of FAQs, brochures, flowcharts of processes, videos, student and employee orientation materials on civil rights issues, including Title IX;
Develop ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns specific to the University and organize and facilitate campus-wide awareness events;
Maintain the Disability and Accessibility at the University of Maryland online training program for faculty and supervisory staff members which is designed to assist employees in performing their specific responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the University of Maryland Disability and Accessibility Policy and Procedures.