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Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Complete the Student Self-Identification Form for Pregnancy or Related Conditions.

Pregnancy and Related Conditions Resources Infographic (Printable PDF)

Under Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and parental status, and requires that all educational institutions provide a range of reasonable adjustments to students who need them due to pregnancy and childbirth. These should be assessed on a case-by-case basis with interactive dialogue between the faculty/staff member and the student. 

Pregnant and Parenting Students' Rights

Title IX requires that the University provide reasonable adjustments to students who need them due to pregnancy for as long as is medically required. This may include adjusting a students’ schedule or allowing frequent trips to the restroom when necessary. Other examples include, but are not limited to, the following: 

Classes and School Activities

  • The University must allow the student to continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities, including honors classes, clubs, sports, leadership opportunities, and other activities.
  • The University must provide the student reasonable adjustments, like a larger desk, elevator access, or allowing frequent restroom trips.

Excused Absences and Medical Leave

Excused absences for pregnancy and childbirth is a student’s legally protected right; it cannot be made contingent on a student’s grades, prior performance in class, or any other factor such as meeting the criteria of another University Policy.

  • The University must excuse absences due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as a doctor deems it medically necessary.
  • The University must allow the student to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the student’s medical leave began and to make up any missed work due to doctor’s appointments, medical conditions, and childbirth. If a student’s grade is based in part on class participation or attendance, the student should be allowed to make up the participation or attendance credits.
  • The University must provide the student with the same special services it provides to students with temporary medical conditions, including online instruction, tutoring, and/or independent study.

 Additional Education About Rights

Resources for Undergraduates and Graduates

Lactation and Feeding Spaces

UMD offers private spaces throughout campus to accommodate nursing. Find lactation spaces on the University interactive map at

UMD Parents' Listserv

UMD parents can post wants/needs, items for sale, questions, and opportunities for families around campus. Email to request to join.

Family Spaces

There is a family study room on the 3rd floor of McKeldin Library that parents can reserve. Find family restrooms throughout campus on the University interactive map at

Child and Elder Care Services

Employees and GAs can learn about family care services offered at The Bright Horizons Center offers care for children aged six weeks through five years old.

Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS)

Pregnancy itself is not considered a disability, and not all pregnancies result in a disability. However, medical conditions that result from pregnancy may meet the definition of a medical disability (e.g. gestational diabetes and preeclampsia) and may result in a short-term disability. If the student develops a medical condition, the student should be directed to register with ADS. Additional information about the medical disability requirement process can be found on the ADS website at


Having this self-identification process completed ahead of time encourages the students to have communication with OCRSM so that the students can best position themselves for adjustments and potential correspondence with their professors prior to needing pregnancy-related adjustments. For example, in the event a student is unable to attend class, having this process in place expedites communication between the student, OCRSM, and instructors. 

Pregnant and Parenting Student Self-Identification Form


The University is obligated to protect students from harassment due to pregnancy and related conditions. Comments and behaviors could constitute prohibited harassment if they are sufficiently serious so that they interfere with a student’s ability to benefit from or participate in an academic program or extracurricular activity. All members of the University community are strongly encouraged to report incidents of pregnancy-based harassment to OCRSM at


All questions and concerns regarding pregnant or parenting students and/or reasonable adjustments should be directed to Jamie Brennan at or 301-405-1142.

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