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Online Training Courses

The Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct ("OCRSM") works with University Human Resources (UHR) to obtain new employee information on a monthly basis and assigns the respective trainings accordingly. All new employees are assigned the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination with Title IX / Clery Act training, as well as any existing supplemental training. The supplemental training currently available is  Accommodating People with Disabilities. All online training courses are sponsored by VectorSolutions (Vector), an approved University vendor who is authorized to host the University’s training. It is the responsibility of departments with non-computer based staff members (i.e., employees who do not use computers at work and who may not have a University email address) and employees who do not speak English to ensure that these employees are aware of and receive the training in a timely manner.

Please visit the New Employee page for more information on how to sign up for training, deadlines, and accessing the Vector Solutions training platform. 

For descriptions of the various online training modules, please view below. 

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination with Title IX / Clery Act Module

This required online training program is designed for non-supervisory employees, supervisory employees, and faculty, and assists in complying with harassment prevention training laws and best practices. The course employs evidence-based best practices that aim to create a healthy and inclusive workplace culture. This course includes a section specific to requirements under Clery Act and Title IX.

  • Building Positive Workplaces
  • Recognizing Discrimination
  • Cultivating Attitudes & Identifying Harassment
  • Taking Action Against Retaliation
  • Leading Healthy Workplaces

Accommodating People with Disabilities

The Accommodating People with Disabilities online training program for faculty and supervisory staff members is part of the University's ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and accessible learning and working environment, and is designed to assist you in performing your specific responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the UMD Disability and Accessibility Policy and Procedures. This program provides an overview of disability discrimination laws. Faculty and supervisory staff members are responsible for helping to facilitate reasonable accommodations for students and employees in a timely and effective manner. After completing this program, you will be able to navigate the process of accommodating qualified applicants and employees with disabilities. Using real case reviews, case studies of real-world situations, and role-playing, faculty and supervisory staff members will be better prepared to recognize protected individuals, respond to requests for accommodation, engage in the interactive process, and avoid common mistakes.

  • Identify who is protected by disability laws and what qualifies as a current disability versus a past or perceived disability
  • Define what it means to be a qualified individual living with a disability
  • Define “reasonable accommodation” and identify the process required to provide reasonable accommodations
  • Explain how to protect individuals’ privacy when determining and implementing reasonable accommodations

Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate Students

University of Maryland requires first year students to complete the Sexual Assault Prevention Program and second year students to complete the Sexual Assault Prevention Ongoing: Healthy Relationships Program. Both are provided through  VectorSolutions. The Sexual Assault Prevention Program focuses on providing shared definitions of sexual harassment and assault, and building consent, and bystander intervention skills. The Sexual Assault Prevention Ongoing Program emphasizes healthy relationship skills, tactics for bystander intervention among close friends, and survivor empathy. For undergraduate student online trainings, please visit the Division of Student Affairs' Wellness Training webpage.

Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students

All new graduate students are required to complete the online training course "Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students" approximately one month prior to the start of the semester. The training prepares students to succeed post-graduation and equips them now with the skills and knowledge to identify and intervene when they witness unsafe or unhealthy behavior with friends or coworkers. This training engages students as they progress, fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it occurs; equips graduate students with the tools needed to navigate new and complex relationships including how to identify and respond to harassment from a faculty member or advisor and other workplace-based harassment; how to respectfully engage with undergraduate students; and, how to respond to student disclosures. This course reflects training requirements outlined in the 2020 Title IX changes.

  • Learn strategies to recognize and take action in risky or harmful situations
  • Explore options for how to respond to and support someone who has experienced this behavior
  • Learn how to access resources for support

If you have any questions about the above the training, you may email the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) training account at You may also directly contact Alejandra K. Galarce Diaz, Training Manager for Policy and Prevention ( in the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct.