Annual Student Sexual Misconduct Report 2022-23
Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Report
July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023
Training and Education Report: Live Training, Campus-Wide Awareness Events and Workshops
July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023
Training and Education Report: Online Training, Outreach and Campus Involvement
July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023
Report Overview
The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) supports the University’s commitment to a working and learning environment free from discrimination and harassment. The OCRSM oversees the institutional response to all reports of sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct, under the University of Maryland’s Policy and Procedures on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct and University of Maryland’s Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures. The OCRSM conducts fair and impartial investigations and adjudications of discrimination and harassment complaints. In addition, the OCRSM facilitates supportive measures and provides sexual harassment and non-discrimination policy training and sexual misconduct prevention and education programs to the campus community.
This annual report reviews data for reports and formal complaints of sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct made to the University between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023, as well as information about training, outreach, educational programs, and supportive measures provided by the OCRSM staff.