Student Sexual Misconduct Data
This information is part of the 2019-20 Student Sexual Misconduct Report
This report focuses on the totality of 213 student reports filed with the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct. A report is a potential complaint of sexual misconduct received by OCRSM. A complaint is when a student engages the University to address sexual misconduct. This report seeks to communicate a complete snapshot of the student data beyond the complaints filed with OCRSM as in previous reporting periods.
To further capture the full extent to which OCRSM coordinates with campus partners to oversee a student’s right to receive an education free from discrimination, OCRSM received seven requests solely for academic accommodations or other interim protective measures. Furthermore, OCRSM referred seven reports involving students to other campus offices for resolution.
The chart below lists the number of reports that became complaints and that resulted in investigations over the past six reporting periods since the office was founded in March 2014.
OCRSM received fewer reports during this reporting period due to the transition to an online learning environment in response to the COVID-19 global health emergency. OCRSM seamlessly and fully continued to receive and respond to reports and complaints and offer support to the campus community.
Student Sexual Misconduct Data
2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | |
Reports | 112 | 184 | 208 | 249 | 248 | 213* |
Complaints | 48 | 66 | 80 | 91 | 77 | 53 |
Investigations | 18 | 26 | 27 | 16 | 14 | 11** |
*The total number does not include the seven requests for academic accommodations/interim measures.
** Accounts for investigations completed from the 2018-19 reporting period, investigations completed in 2019-20, and investigations in progress at end of the reporting period.
Types of Sexual Misconduct Reports
The chart below lists the types and frequency of sexual misconduct that were initially reported. Some reports encompass more than one type of sexual misconduct.

*Relationship violence encompasses dating and domestic violence complaints.
**Undisclosed Sexual Assault Type means additional details are requested from a known complainant, or a complainant is unknown and cannot be asked for additional information.
***Other/Type Unknown: may include harassment or the type of behavior of a sexual nature is not clearly defined. This category may also encompass a physical assault that is not classified as sexual misconduct.
****Sexual Coercion was added as a form of prohibited conduct to the University of Maryland Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures on December 12, 2019, per USM policy requirement.
The University received a larger number of reports of sexual misconduct occurring on campus than off campus. Responsible University Employees (RUEs) are obligated to report any knowledge of such incidents to the Title IX Officer. Below is a chart denoting where the 213 reported incidents occurred.

*Combination refers to on and off campus and virtual complaints.
**Virtual means via internet, phone, texting, social media, etc.
Interim Protective Measures
Per the University of Maryland Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures, interim protective measures protect the safety and well-being of the parties and/or University community pending the outcome of the investigative and adjudicative processes. Some complainants received multiple types of interim protective measures while others chose not to pursue the available accommodations. The chart below denotes the 95 interim protective measures provided.

* Housing Accommodations includes three instances in which housing accommodations were provided based on existence of a previous case.
** Academic Accommodations includes five instances in which letters of support were sent based on existence of previous case.
*** Other includes referrals to off-campus resources, training, access restrictions, campus workplace accommodations, legal aid referral, collaboration with the Department of Information Technology and collaboration with the University of Maryland Police Department.
Report Outcomes
Highlighted are the outcomes of 213 reports that OCRSM received. When OCRSM receives a report, the intake specialist reaches out to the student. The outreach includes a meeting invitation to review the University of Maryland Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures, a complaint flow chart to reference, and a complainant rights and responsibilities form. The intake specialist helps to facilitate a greater understanding of the available resources including reporting options, accommodations and support services. The goal of the initial meeting and the assessment of the potential complaint is to determine the level of seriousness of the incident and what immediate steps may be taken in order to facilitate the safety of the individual or the campus community.

* OCRSM does not have a named complainant to conduct outreach.
** Outcome pending resolution during the 2020-21 reporting period.
*** Includes withdrawn complaints, no specific policy violation and referrals to other campus offices.
Types of Sexual Misconduct Investigated
The remainder of this section of the report focuses on the outcomes of the nine complaints that were investigated and adjudicated, as well as those for which a resolution was pending at the end of the reporting period. Some complaints encompass more than one type of sexual misconduct.

Adjudication and Sanctions
The chart below demonstrates findings and sanctions, where applicable, resulting from sexual misconduct investigations for the 2019–20 reporting period.
The Director of Student Conduct or the Assistant Director of Resident Life for Student Conduct makes the final sanction determination for student respondents.
2019–20 Reporting Period
The chart below demonstrates findings and sanctions for nine cases, where applicable, resulting from sexual misconduct investigations for the 2019–20 reporting period.
Incident Type(s) | Finding | Sanction(s) | |
1 | Relationship Violence, Stalking | Responsible: Relationship Violence, Stalking | Expulsion |
2 | Sexual Harassment | Respondent non-student | N/A |
3 | Sexual Assault I | Responsible: Sexual Assault I | Suspension |
4 | Sexual Assault I | No Policy Violation* | N/A |
5 | Sexual Assault I | No Policy Violation* | N/A |
6 | Relationship Violence | Responsible: Relationship Violence | Suspension, denial of campus housing, therapy, substance abuse treatment |
7 | Sexual Assault II, Sexual Coercion | No Policy Violation* | N/A |
8 | Sexual Assault I, Sexual Assault II, Sexual Coercion | Responsible: Sexual Assault I, Sexual Assault II, Sexual Coercion | Suspension, denial of campus housing, ethics seminar, reflection essay |
9 | Sexual Assault I, Sexual Assault II, Stalking | Pending resolution | Outcome pending resolution during the 2020-21 reporting period |
* No Policy Violation: Based upon all of the information gathered, the preponderance of the evidence did not support a finding that the respondent violated the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. Therefore, this case was not forwarded to the Standing Review Committee (SRC) for adjudication.
2018-19 Reporting Period
Five cases from the 2018-19 reporting period (July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019) carried over to the 2019-20 reporting period. See chart below for outcomes.
Incident Type(s) | Finding | Sanction(s) | |
1 | Sexual Assault I, Sexual Assault II | Responsible: Sexual Assault I, Sexual Assault II | Suspension |
2 | Sexual Assault II | Responsible: Sexual Assault II | Suspension, denial of campus housing |
3 | Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation** | Respondent #1: Respondent #2: Respondent #3: Respondent #4: Respondent #5: |
Disciplinary probation, reflection essay, formal apology |
4 | Relationship Violence, Stalking | Complaint withdrawn by complainant | N/A |
5 | Relationship Violence, Stalking | Complaint withdrawn by complainant | N/A |
*Not Responsible: Following an investigation, the case was resolved in a Disciplinary Conference as the sanctions of suspension or expulsion did not apply.